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Introducing the
VIP Membership
Our most powerful matchmaking membership.

Full service VIP Matchmaking for the client who requires extra privacy protections, hands-on matchmaking and introductions from experienced professionals who provide encouragement and knowledgeable support along the way.

Become a VIP Member today for $450

With the VIP Membership, you’ll get:

  • A Full-service Matchmaking Specialist who leads your very own Matchmaking Team
  • A personal Zoom Consultation with your specialist
  • VIP Privacy Preferences
  • Complimentary 6-Month Platinum Membership Profile ($188 value)
  • Personal Marketing Package
  • Best Match Scenario match criteria

With your Best Match Scenario criteria to guide us, we do all the work identifying suitable candidates in our domestic and international matchbook network. As your match advocate and personal cupid we secure interest from all the candidates who tell us they are interested in exploring a connection with you.

Once we finalize your Hand-vetted Verified Connections, we introduce you directly using our VIP Introduction Process. If you and your Connections wish, we also coordinate video meetups.

While we can’t guarantee love, that’s up to you—we do guarantee satisfaction with our service. Throughout the process, your team will make sure you feel good about the results of each step. Your success is our success.

Let us be your very own matchmaking Marketing Department and good-old fashioned Wingmate.Become a VIP Member today and let’s get started!

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